Grumpy Old Bison along Sage Creek Rim Road
Hungry Coyote searching for food
Battled Big Horn Sheep
Prairie Dog watching the hungry Coyote
Fat Prairie Dog
Big Horn Sheep Playing Follow the Leader
Burrowing Owl - "Do I look like I want my picture taken?"
Burrowing Owl - "You won't leave so I will"
Chipmunk at Mt. Rushmore
Little Big Horn Sheep
"Oh yeah... That's the spot"
Prong Horn
Prong Horn
Western Meadowlark
Big Horn Sheep out for a stroll along Badlands Loop Highway
Western Meadowlark
Burrowing Owl - "You again?"
Found this critter just outside the door of my room.
This Prairie Dog must of zigged when he should have zagged.  HIs escape route is right in the middle of the road.
"This guy and his camera."  "Yeah, I've seen his work.  He needs to find a real job."
Merrily singing Meadowlark.  Or it could be saying, "Enough already!  Time for you to go home!"
Small group of bison wandering around
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