You know it's going to be a good day when it's raining Rainbows
Rolling Hills at Sunset on Sage Creek Rim Road
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Just a tree on Sage Creek Rim Road
Sunset on Sage Creek Rim Road
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway near Ancient Hunters Overlook
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway
Somewhere in the Badlands along the Loop Highway near Saddle Pass Trail
Off Sheep Mountain Road
Overlook on Sheep Mountain
Somewhere on Sheep Mountain
Somewhere on Sheep Mountain
Somewhere on Sheep Mountain
Old Smurf Village on Sheep Mountain Road
A sliver of sunset light through the clouds near Saddle Pass Trail on Badlands Loop Highway
From the dirt road where Main St. out of Interior ends and the Park begins
Spearfish Falls at Spearfish Canyon
Spearfish Falls at Spearfish Canyon
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